Two days training programme was held at NEDSSS, Kharghuli, Guwahati on 19th & 20th September, 2019 on the topic Laws & Schemes related to Women & Children. The resource persons were Special Branch, Cyber dome, Assam Police, Adv. Pranab Sharma, Adv. Sauradeep Roy, Adv. Alman Dutta. The total number of 40 PLPs participated in the training programme.
1st day (19.09.2019)
TIME-9.00AM TO 6.30PM
Training was started at 9.00 am with an introductory session where all the PLPs interacted each other, the LCHR staffs introduced themselves.
The 1st session was taken by Chasom Hakhun on Juvenile Justice Act 2015, She also enlightened the participants by showed them video on juvenile cases and the procedure how to tackle the situation of delinquency activity commits by children and also duties and responsibilities of social workers group under this Act. She also mentioned that under this Act children are divided into two categories The CNCP represent the ‘Child in Need of Care and Protection’ primarily those picked up by social workers and police officer’s from streets, illegal work facilities like factories, hotels etc. The other category represents the CCL ‘Child in Conflict of Law’, those accused or convicted of committing crimes. She also explained them about the Juvenile Justice Boards and its purpose. She said that child in conflict with law cases are decided by this board.
Lastly she suggested that to eradicate child delinquency we should provide them good education and proper guidance which is required for child.
The 2nd session was taken by Special Branch, Cyber dome, Assam Police on ‘Cyber Crime’ they mentioned that Cybercrime is the crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used as a tool to commit an offense . Cybercrime, or computer-oriented crime, is a crime that involves a computer and network which access with Internet connection, also they taught them some basic precautions to protect themselves being victim of its. They also explained to ignore the unnecessary notification or Application of phone like Wi-Fi, FaceApp and any face book notification on home page of face book. It can be easily hacked to your personal documents & data. They also mentioned that while entered in the ATM machine if someone intentionally enters at your presence, she/he can fill a complaint against that Person.
They also explained Top 5 Popular Cybercrimes are as follows (1) Hacking (2) Virus Dissemination (3) Pornography (4) Credit Card Fraud (5) Cyber Defamation.
So lastly they suggested that be careful whenever you go to withdraw money through ATM be careful whether the machine is not sabotage with chips.
The 3rd session was taken by Adv. Pranab Sharma on ‘Land Law’ He explained all the land relations issues to the participations. After these, participants asked some questions to Pranab Sharma related to land. He answered all the questions by the participants and they said that they were very much satisfied after getting answer to their questions. All the participants told that they realized how fortunate they were to be able to take part in this programme as it is also a personal challenge. They learnt new and more effective ways to accomplish things and gaining more knowledge about land law.
Lastly he suggested the participants that it’s very important to understand the basic knowledge land laws to acquire their own rights.
The last session was taken by Adv. Sauradeep Roy on ‘Reproductive Rights’ he asked the participants what do you understood by ‘Reproductive Rights’ in your own concept. And also he questioned the participants whether they enjoy the facilities provided by Anganwadi centers. he explained that Reproductive rights is the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. They also include the right of all to make decisions concerning reproduction free of discrimination, coercion and violence.
He also explained about the various schemes available for women during pregnancy and after delivery. he mentioned about, ‘Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojna’, which provides partial wage compensation to women for wage-loss during child right and children and to provide conditions for safe delivery and good nutrition and feeding practices.
Lastly he suggested the participants that reproductive rights means to access rights towards schemes for pregnancy women.
2nd day (20.09.2019)
TIME-9.00AM TO 6.30PM
The 1st session was taken by Adv. Amal Dutta on POCSO Act, 2012. Firstly he interacted with the participants and sharing his personal feeling about wide increase of POCSO cases in their surroundings. He also questions them how they can solve those cases after associated with LCHR. He mentioned that the Act provides for the protection of children from sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography. He said that nowadays the Act provides speedy justice and establishment of Special Courts for trial of offences.
He mentioned about the procedure for reporting to police officer and process of judicial proceeding in the Special Courts.
He also advised the participants to make aware their children about the Act, to create a friendly relation with their children so that the children will not hesitate to express when they will come across to offences under POCSO ACT, 2012.
Lastly he said that it is the duty of every individual to report to police if any person is found guilty of committed of crime under POCSO Act, 2009.
- Participants will conduct awareness programme on cyber crime, POCSO Act, 2012.and Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.
- The PLP members will be vigilant in their duties and responsibilities.
- The PLP members will also look into the survey on the government schemes and facilities which are provided by PMAY 2019.
- The participants will conduct awareness programme on ‘Reproductive Rights’.