Legal Cell for Human Rights (LCHR) organized a residential training programme on ‘Child Rights’ at Pastoral Centre, Tezpur on 24th & 25th February 2023 for the Instructors of Supplementary Education Centres of Nagaon, Udalguri, North – Lakhimpur and Biswanath district zones under the support of ‘Kindermissionswerk’.

A total of 40 participants including the LCHR Staff and District Coordinators participated in the training programme. The participants were trained on the following topics:

  1. ‘Pre – Conception and Pre – Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994’,
  2. ‘Prevention of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropics Substance Act 1988’,
  3. ‘The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2006’,
  4. ‘Impact of Domestic Violence on Children’, and
  5. ‘Functions of Child Parliament’.

The resource persons were:

  1. Adv. Suman Indwar,
  2. Mr. Albert Kerketta, and
  3. Mr. Gyandeep Topno.